"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Emerson

Monday, March 30, 2009

What Bible Character are you?

There is a quiz on facebook you can take that will tell you what Bible character you are most like. But, I just want to ask YOU, who do you identify with the most in the Bible?

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, I am not quite sure why, just because it is kind of fun. Am I a little Esther-y? Are there shadows of Paul within me? Whose story speaks the most to me?

I think what I've concluded is that I am a Timothy. Timothy and I share a lot of things in common. First, we come by our faith through a long line of faithful women. Secondly, like Timothy, I struggle with timidity and introversion even though I truly believe God is calling/ has called me to be in a position of leadership. We both sometimes allow others look down upon us for reasons that are irrelevant to God.

The good news is that by figuring out who I am "most" like in the Bible, I can find a great "how to" on becoming better. Paul's letters to Timothy in 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy, speak so directly to my heart, especially at times when I have assumed positions of leadership. Now, I just need to find my Paul...

Here's to finding your reflection in His word...
Until next time,

Your Turn: (PLEASE respond in my comments, if you are so inclined...)
1.) What Bible character are you most like and why?
2.) What words speak directly to your heart?
3.) Why do you think the Bible is a book of stories about people? Is it so that we can see ourselves in these words?


Claire Belknap said...

1. I relate most closely to Joseph. (No, my siblings did not sell me into slavery but they may have wanted to!)

2. The words I most closely relate to: "As for you, you meant evil against me but God meant it for good." Genesis 50:20. As a believer now, I can clearly see how the most evil thing that happened to me was used ultimately for my good.

3. I do think the stories in the Bible are written for us to be able to see ourselves in these people's experiences. More important than that, I know that they are written so we can see God in these people's lives and know that He will work in our lives, too.

Semper Wifey said...

This is a great question! I relate to different aspects of many Old Testament men...lol! Abraham being called away from home to an unknown place, Moses' questioning of God if He got the right person, Jacob's wrestling/confrontation with God, David's praises...and laments.

I think you're right on about being able to relate to these people. They fill the generational gaps between "us" and "them" through their universal struggles and desires. God's people are not perfect, and we need to be, and are, constantly reminded that we are not perfect. That's the glory of our salvation...we find our perfection in Jesus!

Anonymous said...

1. My life is pretty well exactly like Ruth's, in that I come from a lineage of "Moabites" which I am escaping. I don't mind hard physical labor. If I do marry, I hope to have a mother-in-law like Naomi and a husband like Boaz.

2. The words are “Truly I tell you,” Jesus said to them, “no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.” Luke 18:29-30

3. I believe the stories in the Bible and life in general are a revelation of God and the human race's struggle to understand one another's perspective.