"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Emerson

Sunday, November 16, 2008

An Update...

So, I thought I'd post an update on all the things going on...
- Church Search 2008: So, I think we found a church today. Much closer to what we are used to, not so Six Flags over Jesus...so, thank the Lord! Bad news: it is a bit of a drive (a little over 30 minutes), but we do pass a Krispy Kreme on the way so I think it all makes it worth it. (especially when the HOT sign is on, like this morning...oh yeah)
- We are official adults FRIDAY!! Yes, that is right, we will officially join adulthood with large amounts of debt and way too many responsibilities in that thing called home ownership. So excited!
- Continue to pray for me and our family. I know not all of you know the details of everything going on, but I ask that you pray anyway. We suffered through quite a traumatic event recently and are trying to figure out where we go from here. I have hope knowing that God uses the tragic to grow us in ways unimaginable to us. Already, I have found that things that were once of importance to me, have no bearing on my life anymore. This tragedy has already burned away some of the impurities and "junk" I had in my life and truly sent me into a state of focus as to what is important.

There was an entry in "Streams in the Desert" by L.B. Cowman that talked about suffering and how through the worst times, God uses suffering to make us better. She likened it to a rose. A rose smells beautiful as is, but to truly smell the beauty of the rose, you can crush it and it releases all its essence, all its fragrance and all its beauty. We are like that. To truly get to the beauty and the fragrance that each of us possess, God sometimes uses the crushing times to release what He desires us to. I thought that was a powerful visual. I see myself as a crushed rose right now, and for the first time since everything happened, I am beginning to be open to the possibilities of how God is going to use this crushed rose through my suffering. On another note, "Streams in the Desert" is a great daily devotional for anyone going through any kind of trial or difficulty. And let's face it, if you are human, most days you will encounter some sort of trial or difficulty.

Here's to new adventures, new lessons, and a new lease on life...

Until next time,

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