"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Emerson

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Be ye transformed...

Christmas is quickly coming upon us and while I’ll be on blog-cation for a week or so, I did want to do one last blog before I left. I asked for some ideas as I've been trying to write more and thanks to my bloggin’ friend (and real life friend too :), I had this as my “inspiration” for this last entry before I leave. PLEASE leave me any other ideas you all may have (I'll get to your second idea when I return, Christi ;), and feel free to share your answers, thoughts, comments to this blog in my comment sections.

Christ wrote:
“I've been trying to think of an idea for you. One I keep coming back to is the correlation between a sold out believer who has true faith in Christ and still falling prey to the human nature of worry and fear or depression. How can we gain control in our minds when our hearts truly belong to the Lord and we still feel so down? How can we physically, practically, realistically attain the joy of the Lord? Sunday School and cliche answers don't count. ;-)”- Christi

This blog hits on "some" of her question...it is a great question with lots more that could have been explored, but here goes!


Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.- Romans 12:2

Let’s take a look at the pattern of our world.:
- At one point in their lives, every person will suffer from a period of depression.
- 18.8 million Adult Americans suffer from severe depressive disorders.
- 15% of the population in most developed countries suffer from severe depression.
- 30% of women are depressed. Estimates for men were once thought to be half that percentage, but now psychologists believe it to be higher.
- Preschoolers are the fastest growing market for antidepressants. No, there is not a typo…I said preschoolers.
- By 2020, depression will be considered the second biggest killer behind heart disease and studies are showing that there is some link between depression and coronary problems.
Statistics from the Uplift Program: http://www.upliftprogram.com/depression_stats.html
- 40 million adult Americans or approximately 18% suffer from an anxiety disorder. Frequently, those with disorders also have a co-occuring problem with drugs, alcohol or depression.
Statistics from NIMH: http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/the-numbers-count-mental-disorders-in-america.shtml

Look at our headlines. They breed fear. At any given moment, I am worried about: drinking tap water due to the diseases that could be swimming in it, but I am also fearful of drinking bottled water because of the BPA in the plastic and the fact that from what I’ve read, the water in the bottle is from the tap so I don’t drink water which leads to me to fear that I am not drinking enough water; terrorists; the economy; the millions of ways I could get cancer; random acts of violence; gas prices; what foods are safe for consumption; the war and if my husband will be deployed and injured or worse in combat; the state of government and business corruption; if it is safe to send my child to a public school; will my family be healed from brokenness; and most frequently, does worrying increase my chances of dying younger? I know I am not alone in my fears. I know because I can look at the numbers above and see that at any given moment, you too are fearful of some of the same things I am as well as your own fears.

Fear and depression. This is the pattern of our world. And God knows that, which is why he tells us over and over again not to live in fear, not to be held captive by our sorrow. But, if you are like me, you live with a constant battle against the control these emotions have on your mind and your actions. I believe the answer to this battle lies in Romans 12:2 and if you, like me, have suffered years of the conflict of following the pattern of this world versus following Christ, you too long to finally once and for all end this fight.

To truly get out from under our fears and pain, we need to take a deeper look at what Paul gives us for an answer to this constant drip and nagging that anxiety and depression has in our hearts and our minds:

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of the world:
We’ve established what the world’s pattern is. Paul says, “Do NOT conform.” Conform is defined as: “to act in accordance or harmony; comply; to be or become similar in form, nature or character; to act in accord with prevailing standards, attitudes, practices.”
The first thing to notice is that conformance is an action.
Your thoughts:
1.) How do your actions show conformance to the pattern of the world around you? Be specific!
2.) How did your actions “become similar in form, nature or character” to those in this world who do not know the God of the universe? What got you to the place you are at now? What compromises did you make along the way?

Paul doesn’t give us any leniency here. He says DO NOT. He doesn’t say try not to or do your best not to, he says flat out DO NOT. There is no wiggle room here. There is no allowance for some conformity in some areas. But, thankfully, he gives us the answer on how to stop acting in accordance with our worldly counterparts.

Paul goes on to say:
But be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Why did Paul go from telling us to stop our actions that make us look no different from our non-Christian neighbors to talking about our minds? Because all actions have a thought that precedes them. Let me repeat myself. ALL actions have a thought that precedes them.
Your Thoughts:
1.) Look back at your answers above. What thoughts preceded the actions that conformed you to the pattern of the world?

Let’s take a look at how we are to truly get a hold on the power our minds have over our actions.
Transformed is defined as: “to change markedly the appearance or form of”. As Christians, we are to change markedly our appearance and form from the rest of the world.

Your Thoughts:
1.) Honestly, does your form or appearance (and I don’t mean the physical kind) look much different from the non-Christians you know? Why or why not?
Before you start worrying (which the whole point of this is to learn to NOT worry), let’s look at how we are to change ourselves “markedly.”

By the renewing of your mind.
Renewal is defined as: “to begin or take up again; to restore or replenish; to revive; to begin again.”

When I think of renewal, I think of two things: spring and the library. In springtime, there is a period when all that has died off because of the cold harshness of winter gets to come alive again in spring. There is a period in which we get to start again. I think of the library because those 2 weeks never seemed like a long enough time to finish the pile of books we so eagerly checked out. There is that chance to get more time to finish what we started, to get to the best part.

Our minds too need that time to get to the best part. We need that time to restore or replenish what has been lost throughout our day. We need a chance to start anew after our fears and sorrows creep in. We need to begin new once again with our list of reminders for the day: I will act kindly towards others. I will not fear. I will find hope. I will show love. I will be Christ-like. I will trust the Lord, my God, with all my heart. I will not lean on my own understanding.
Friends, if you are tired, and I know you are because I know I am, of the constant battle inside of you that pulls you to and fro with a desire to be Christ-like yet the weight of fear and depression pulling you wayward, start renewing your mind: daily, hourly, every waking second.

Renew your mind through:
1.) Reading His thoughts: If you want to change your actions, you have to change your thoughts. Your thoughts are most likely to be a lot like this world’s because that is our nature, our fallen, sinful nature. Start replacing your thoughts with His thoughts through reading your Bible daily. Do you have a time devoted to this each and every day?
2.) Repeating His thoughts: We didn’t even talk about this, but how much is our mind, our actions and our words tied together. Thoughts become words, words become action. If you want your actions to no longer be a reflection of those who don’t know Christ, replace your words with His. Memorize scripture. Repeat scripture: to yourself and to others. You can’t ever be in the wrong if your words are a direct reflection of God.
3.) Understanding His thoughts: You cannot grow in your understanding of the God you serve unless you challenge yourself in digging deeper than the simple open the Bible to whatever page it happens to fall open to, close my eyes and point at a verse, method of Bible study (and I know, because I was a devoted follower of this method for many a years). Read an entire book all the way through, get the complete picture. Read more about the scriptures through a Bible commentary or works by Christian authors. Challenge yourself. Take your understanding to the next level, whatever level you may be on.
4.) Seeking His thoughts: You cannot renew your mind without seeking God’s power of change over it. Ask him constantly to help with your daily renewal. Pray that His thoughts would become your thoughts so that your actions would no longer be like those who do not know Him.

The truth is that in order for us to not be held captive by the same fears and depression that grips those who do not know the Prince of Peace is that we must be in a constant state of renewal, of change within ourselves. It doesn’t mean that we won’t slip back into exhibiting the same patterns of the world, but it does mean that they only way out of it will require a certain amount of action on our parts to change our minds to reflect the peace from God that transcends all understanding.

Look at your patterns again. The ones that you struggle with: whether it be depression, anxiety, addiction, or anything else. Now look at how much time you spend in your daily renewal process. How much time are you spending in order to be “markedly different” than those who do not know Christ? It will be tough. Things will get in the way. Lives will get busy. Satan will convince you of more important things to do, but living a life free from the patterns of the world is a process we must complete each and every moment of every day we are here on this Earth.

Your Thoughts:
1.) What do you need to do work on your daily renewal process?
2.) How can you keep yourself accountable to make sure you renew your mind?
3.) What prayer do you need to pray in order that you can be transformed each and every day into someone who is markedly different and does not conform to the pattern of this world?

Here's to renewal...

Until next time,

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

An itch...

I've been having an itch to write lately. Not just more of my ramblings. I mean the cohesive stuff, maybe devotional or bible study type stuff. I thought I could use my blogging friends as my guinea pigs (which are eaten in some South American countries so beware...and yes, they too taste like chicken!). I've been praying for God to give me that one big idea, but He keeps saying to me to start small.

So, I need your help. Topic ideas. Spiritual questions. What is the bible study topic you wish you had research on but can't find out there? I'll do the leg work! Anything to get me started. Post it in my comment section and feel free to do it anonononononomously.

I am thinking a little study on the Proverbs 31 woman...that is always a good place to start. Stay tuned!

Here's to inspiration...

Until next time,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

They will know we are Christians by our ?????

I can understand atheists. I mean when you look at Christians in the world today who proclaim there is a God, they don't seem any different from their non-Christian counterparts. When I look back at some of my most hurtful memories, many of them were done to me by fellow Christians. When I look at the wrongs I've seen done, many were committed by those who confessed with their mouths that they know the Son of God.

Statistically, we are no different as those who don't know Christ. The divorce rate is the same. The use of pornography is the same. The way we act at work towards our bosses is the same. The way we yell at our children is the same. Cheating, lying, gossip, selfish ambition is all the same in Christian and non-Christian circles. In the world today, there truly is nothing that delineates Christians from non-Christians.

I think about how bad we messed this one up. We were supposed to be a light. We were supposed to show something that others would want. Instead, we argue, bicker, hold resentment, act in malice and conceit, are self-righteous and act just the same as the world except we cloak it under a veil of God.

How it must truly sadden Him to see His children fight amongst themselves so much. How it must break His heart to realize the ones who know His love aren't showing it to those they encounter.

I know there are some who are truly good at showing God's love through their actions. There are some who truly act Christ-like in all that they do. I know I am not there yet, but I desire to be. I want to allow someone to slap my face and to turn and offer them the other side without grumbling constantly about the wrong they've done against me. I want to shut my mouth of judgement and gossip. I want to view people through the eyes of the one who created them and see a beautiful, glorious, and wonderful creation. Yet, I often find myself filled with bitterness, anger, and selfish desires instead.

The good news is that everyday is a day to try again to get it right. Everyday presents a new opportunity to be more Christ-like in our daily encounters so that maybe just one person will see in us something they desire and realize who it came from. It requires us to ask God to give us the chance to show His love and the strength to be His love in the face of opposition.

I've had a lot of hurts happen recently. A lot of chances for Satan to plant his seeds of anger and bitterness and resentment. I am fighting him tooth and nail to keep those seeds from being planted. God keeps reminding me that I don't have to fight it alone. I have discovered the best way to turn the thoughts I have about people from forming into a poision to my soul is to pray for them. Sounds cliche, but I have been just praying blessings on people and situations that have hurt me or those I love. I do it through gritted teeth, mind you, as it is a challenge to wish those who have done wrong to you blessings beyond their greatest imagination, but I do it none the less.

My prayer for us all as we are getting a chance to begin fresh in this New Year is that those who know the face of God will begin to act like it. My prayer is that statistically and practically Christians will be different in a positive way, that those who see us will desire to have what we have and know who we know. My prayer is that the world will finally say that there must be a God because no other way could a group of people act the way we act in times of trial, heartache, dissention, and sorrow. My prayer is that the song may finally ring true and they will know we are Christians by our love.

Here's to a new year...

Until next time,

P.S. If you are a regular blog follower, please add yourself to my "followers" list. It will make me feel important ;). Not really, I am just curious as to who actually reads this....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Different Kind of Christmas...

This year, my husband and I are setting out to have a different kind of Christmas. After what we've been through the last couple of months, a time of stressful consumerism didn't seem right. I wanted to forgo the whole season and just skip to the new year, but I knew A.) that was an impossibility our families would never allow, and B.) it would mean skipping the true meaning of Christmas.

So, we began thinking and praying about how to make this Christmas different. We decided on a "Debt Free Christmas" and asked our friends and family not to buy us gifts. I know...Christmas without gifts. It feels and sounds weird. Then, I got to thinking about it and really, Christmas with gifts is really the weird part. Here we are supposed to be celebrating the birth of our Savior, of our God and how do we do it? By buying people a lot of junk they don't care about and we can't afford. Nothing says, "Welcome Prince of Peace" like debt and stress, right?

I am not trying to condemn anyone but myself here. My focus has been lost when it comes to Christmas for years now. I really get swept away by finding the perfect gift, and making sure I get everything on my list by dropping the right hints at the right time to the right people.

It is going to be strange this Christmas with nothing to unwrap. But, I think it is going to be the most amazing Christmas ever where I can finally get out from under the noise of my own selfishness and see the true meaning of why we celebrate this season.

Here's to the best Christmas ever...

Until next time,

P.S. If you were considering buying us a gift, please don't or please choose a favorite charity to donate to in our honor. Here is one of my personal favorites, International Justice Mission, http://www.ijm.org/ .

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Road to Recovery...

I've always heard that saying, "The road to recovery." I never understood it because I really never had anything to recover from. Or I always thought it was meant in reference to addiction or injury, not to life's valleys.

I think I have finally understood this saying. When a trauma happens or anything in life that permanently alters who you are, there is a "road" that we all must travel down. I am not sure what the destination is. I don't think it is meant to be getting us back to being the same as we were before because if that were true then all we go through in life would be meaningless and just a cruel joke by a higher power. No, I think the destination is to become more than we were. The destination is to take the hurts, the pains, the injuries and to allow them to heal and make us stronger than we ever have been. Well, at least that is what I imagine at the end of my "road to recovery."

I think the hardest part about the road is that often we travel it alone. From the outside, we can look all put back together but on the inside we are still reeling from the damage. No one else can share our exact experience because we all experience things differently. So, while a tragedy may affect many people, each person will have their own road that they must travel. I think part of our humanity yearns so much to just know that someone else has shared in our pain or has known what we have gone through. And God tells us that this is part of the reason we go through tough times. It is alot like the epitome of trickle down economics (not the reality because well, let's face it, in practice, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, but I am not going to digress into a socio-political discussion :) ). You see God comforts us in our times of need so that when we encounter those with hurts and pains, we can be a comfort to them and they can feel God's comfort through us. It is a brilliant idea that we hopefully all realize our part in the great comfort economy.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows." 2 Corinithians 1:3-5

It is so easy to get sucked into the "woe is me" rut and feed ourselves dramatic lies of how our pain is perhaps the worst pain ever endured. It is easy to forget the blessings we encounter every day. It is hard to view the difficulties as blessings to be discovered.

Here's to safe travels down your road...

Until next time,

Monday, December 1, 2008

Accentuate the Positive...

Remember that scene in The Jungle Book where Baloo starts singing:
"You've got to accentuate the positive,
Eliminate the negative,
And latch on to the affirmative,
Don't mess with Mister In-Between!"
Who knew such profound advice could be given by a large singing, dancing bear? Well, it could. There is positivity all around us and we just got to stop and accentuate it sometimes.
Here is my positive...
-My little girl says "taco day" when we head for Mexican food. How cool is that?? She also says "pine cone", "ohhhh, man", "come on, dad", and is quite the mimic which is teaching us the importance of words. She also dances and can lip synch. A star in the making! I have never met a person as funny as her...she may even be funnier than me!
-My husband mocks my cooking because let's just say, I don't know how to cook from a box. For instance, tonight's menu: Breadcrumb and parmasean crusted chicken, Asiago and rosemary roasted potatoes, and green beans in a garlic butter sauce. What? I thought that is how everyone cooks...He mocks it because he loves it. And he loves me. Deeply.
- My cousin is going to Sudan soon to deliver Bibles and help with their water system. He has a pregnant wife who is staying home while he goes. I am amazed by the courage and fortitude some people have in following what God calls them to do. I aspire for that.
- My little sister is smarter than I ever was at her age. In fact, she may be smarter than I ever was. Just don't tell her that. It goes to her head.
- I've seen miracles. A lot of them. A lot of them very recently.
- I always thought my mom could take care of anything. I was right.
- After everything that has happened, I feel whole again...sometimes. And sometimes I don't. And I am ok with it, either way.
- At the end of the day, I have an amazing life, but what makes it amazing are the people in it. That is perhaps the biggest positive.
Here's to accentuation...
Until next time,